NBS proudly endorses Service First Processing.
Nation’s Best Sports (NBS) is a nationwide sporting goods buying group that was established in 1956 when Claude Manning and three friends—Joe Lipsey, E.J. “Buck” Buchanan and Paul Self, all of whom owned war-surplus stores—decided to pool their purchases and create the first sporting goods buying group, the Southwest Buying Syndicate. During the first decade, they persuaded others in the war-surplus business to join, and through the years, the Southwest Buying Syndicate grew through word of mouth, spread by both vendors and Members. After changing the company’s name to Nation’s Best Sports in 1995, NBS has continued its expansion, helping both Members and vendors grow and become profitable. The NBS mission is to provide independently owned retailers the ability to effectively compete in an everchanging environment through aggressive purchasing, marketing and service opportunities.
Today, NBS is comprised of over 350 independent retail Members representing over 1,200 store fronts across the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. NBS offers independent retailers a diverse portfolio of buying opportunities in all categories of outdoor sports and general sporting goods. NBS hosts six different buying Markets annually that differ from industry trade shows because they are actual order writing and buying markets only open to Member retail store owners, their buyers and approved vendors.
NBS members can call 855-632-9862 for information about the NBS / SFP merchant processing program.
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